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game was scary af i stopped at the parts where you had to go find your car to fill it up with the jerry man i didn't feel like it no more😭😭😭 W game

I loved the gameplay, but that one puzzle ruined me! Here is my gameplay! 

Everyone in This Town Acts STRANGE… | The Shopping List Horror Game Reaction Psychological Terror

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I love the aesthetics 

Please take a look at my walkthrough of this amazing game, if you like my content you can support me with a subscribe, like and comment and that would be greatly appreciated. Well done to the game designer on the awesome game, keep it up brother !


another great game.... exept for the milk before the cereal.... truly evil she had it coming.


I love the aesthetics and soundtrack but the game is very underwhelming :(


Great horror game. I loved how humor was incorporated, and some parts genuinely terrified me!


Joguinho BOM DE MAIS pode jogar que RENDE legalzinho :)

I hope you won't be upset that a humorous video has been made about your game (I really enjoyed the game).

Ну и да, видео русскоязычное

fk this game 

Love it! Thanks!


someone can help me?

Good game.

Thank you! My commentary is scuffed but I had fun!!

such a good game and the ending 👌

Amazing game, very high quality.

the games have issue scalling screen 3/5

I loved the experience of playing this amazing ps1 graphics horror game, the scariest and the most uncomfortable part of the game, sure was the part where you have to poor milk before cerial. and due to this appauling moment, i have yet to finish the game. 5/10

I played ignited entry so I wanted to give this game a shot. I really like this one and look forward to your next game. The ending was a little bit of a twist.

TBH The game had potential I will give it a 7 out of 10 pretty good game. You should try it.

(1 edit)

10/10 good game R.I.P Ruben


12/10, Pure Ruben.

one of the best indie game i play in my entire life 1000/10


LOVE THIS GAME!!! but it traumatized me but the story line is wonderful i hated Timmy when i saw him with his flat ass i knew he was my father from the start and rating 10/10

Really fun game

amazing wow

(1 edit)

It was a pleasure being able to play this game and add it to my collection! Loved the story & enjoyed the mixture of adding in some funny aspects included with all the horror! W Game

the game is amazing and this game made you feel like you are being stalked and I liked it, but the ending just doesn't make any sense how did your father get into your house?, did he become spiderman and climb though the window or did he teleported behind you somehow 


LOOL love this comment anyways the father was spider man 


I assumed it was a ladder but also her apartment doesn't seem too far off the ground

good assume buddy, it really make sense


The feeling of being stalked by someone made me crawl into my skin. I loved the story behind this game and since its free, there isnt much to argue against it. I really liked it.

Amazing game! I loved it a lot! Thank You! 🥰


Feels like the game was unsure if it wanted to be a hardcore-horror game or go a more comedic route, causing the tension (which it does build it up very well at some points) to be alleviate and the comedy to fall flat and feel out of place.

Still, its free and about an hour long and i still had a good time! Clearly an amateur project with a lot of part that seem strange and out-of-place, but still a pretty good time :)This was

This was my first time playing a horror game (outside something like resident evil lol) and I couldn't handle this! It was really fun and had me on edge, especially the second half. Thank you so much for making such a good game for the public to play.

Here's my playthrough I recorded for youtube.

Fantastic game!  I really enjoyed all the characters in the shops and loved how the game slowly built up a sense of dread and urgency as you progress!  The whole office area had me on edge the entire time.    

I really enjoyed this.  A wild ride.

Great game! had a lot of fun playing this one! very creative and i loved the story telling through memories that you acquire. funny and entertaining dialogue with simple easy to use controls. keep creating! you're doing great!   

Holaaaa, great game JordiBoi. Instense, but pretty funny as well. Loved Broken Through! Incoming longplay. also THE BALCONYYYYYY



Me encantó este juego.
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